Trackbar (ViSi Genie Display)
ViSi Genie Trackbar element
Add this element to the ViSi Genie Display Objects, to access ViSi Genie Trackbar.
Used By
- ViSi Genie 4D Systems Display.Objects - Specifies the Display Objects
- InitialValue - Summaries:Summary TArduinoViSiGenieBasicUnsignedInOut.InitialValue
- OnlyChanged - Summaries:Summary TArduinoViSiGenieOnlyChangedIndexedObject.OnlyChanged
- Index - Specifies the Index of the ViSi Genie object
- Name - Specifies the name of the element
- Out - The Unsigned Integer Output pin of the component or element
- In - The Unsigned Integer Input pin of the component or element
- Refresh - Summaries:Summary TArduinoViSiGenieOnlyChangedIndexedObject.RefreshInputPin