Category Math
Math components category
Category for all Math components.
Inverse (Change Sign) - Inverses (changes the sign) the analog signal.
Absolute Value - Converts the Analog signal value to absolute value
Sine of angle (Radians) - Computes Sine of an angle from value
Cosine of angle (Radians) - Computes Cosine of an angle from value
Add Value - Adds a specified Value to the analog signal
Subtract Value - Subtracts a specified Value from the analog signal
Subtract From Value - Subtracts the analog signal from a specified Value
Multiply By Value - Multiplies the Analog signal by a specified Value
Raise To Power - Rises a Value to Power.
Divide By Value - Divides the Analog signal by a specified Value
Divide Value - Divides a specified Value by the value of the Analog signal
Inverse Integer (Change Sign) - Inverses (changes the sign) the Integer signal.
Absolute Integer Value - Converts the Integer signal value to absolute value
Add Integer Value - Adds a specified Value to the Integer signal
Subtract Integer Value - Subtracts a specified Value from the Integer signal
Subtract Integer From Value - Subtracts the Integer signal from a specified Value
Multiply Integer By Value - Multiplies the Integer signal by a specified Value
Divide Integer By Value - Divides the Integer signal by a specified Value
Divide Integer Value - Divides a specified Value by the value of the Integer signal
Add Unsigned Value - Adds a specified Value to the Unsigned Integer signal
Subtract Unsigned Value - Subtracts a specified Value from the Unsigned Integer signal
Subtract Unsigned From Value - Subtracts the analog signal from a specified Unsigned Integer Value
Multiply Unsigned By Value - Multiplies the Unsigned Integer signal by a specified Value
Divide Unsigned By Value - Divides the Unsigned Integer signal by a specified Value
Divide Unsigned Value - Divides a specified Value by the value of the Unsigned Integer signal
Limit between Min and Max - Limits the minimum and maximum value of the Analog signal
Min Limit - Limits the minimum value of the Analog signal
Max Limit - Limits the maximum value of the Analog signal
Average Period - Averages the signal over a specified period
Add - Adds the values from multiple Analog inputs together
Multiply - Multiplies the values from multiple analog inputs together.
Add Integer - Adds the values from multiple Integer inputs together
Multiply Integer - Multiplies the values from multiple Integer inputs together.
Add Unsigned - Adds the values from multiple Unsigned Integer inputs together
Multiply Unsigned - Multiplies the values from multiple Unsigned Integer inputs together.
Map Range - Maps Analog signal from one range to another
Dead Zone Analog - Introduces Dead Zone in Analog signal
Dead Zone Scaled Analog - Introduces Dead Zone in Analog signal, and maps it from one range to another
And Unsigned Value - Performs Boolean And between two unsigned values
Or Unsigned Value - Performs Boolean Or between two unsigned values
Xor Unsigned Value - Performs Boolean Xor between two unsigned values
Not (Invert) Unsigned Value - Inverts the bits of an unsigned value
Ramp To Value - Slowly changes the output value to match the input value with specified slope(Ramp)
Complementary Analog Filter - Summaries:Summary Complementary Analog Filter
Complementary Angle Filter - Summaries:Summary Complementary Angle Filter
Second Order Complementary Analog Filter - Summaries:Summary Second Order Complementary Analog Filter
Second Order Complementary Angle Filter - Summaries:Summary Second Order Complementary Angle Filter
Accumulate Analog -
Accumulate Integer - Summaries:Summary Accumulate Integer
Accumulate Unsigned - Summaries:Summary Accumulate Unsigned
Accumulate Angle - Summaries:Summary Accumulate Angle
Kalman Analog Filter - Summaries:Summary Kalman Analog Filter
Kalman Angle Filter - Summaries:Summary Kalman Angle Filter
Madgwick Filter - Implements a Madgwick filter fusing Accelerometer, Gyroscope, and Compass data to compute precise 3D orientation